Nowości Koala 2019
Nowości Amazonas 2019

Payment security

Credit card payments are authorized via PayU. This system ensures the highest level of security. The latest methods of data encryption in combination with the world-class hardware platform guarantee reliable protection of transactions. 

Payment operator under guaranteed supervision of the National Bank of Poland
The online payment operator - PayU S.A. by the decision of the President of the National Bank of Poland of June 15, 2007, was granted the Settlement Agent status. For this purpose it met a number of requirements as defined in detail in the Act on Electronic Payment Instruments (Journal  of Laws of October 11, 2002, No. 169, item 1385 as amended).
Thus it is obliged to provide the National Bank of Poland with an up-to-date status of financial settlements. Reported information in line with statutory requirements should concern, inter alia, the number of acceptors, the number and value of completed transactions, as well as the number of successful and unsuccessful attempts to make transactions infringing provisions of law or circumventing the rules of fair trading (e.g. transactions with the use of stolen or lost payment cards).

The agreement concluded by the Store with the company PayU S.A. – also referred to as the Settlement Agent, guarantees clear settlement procedures and ensures security of transactions.

Transfer of information
Data transmission on websites co-operating with PayU takes place via the SSL EV protocol (Extended Validation Secure Sockets Layer), ensuring the highest standard of identity authentication. In addition there is a possibility of encrypting information exchanged between the online store or the website and the Customer.

Protection against law infringing transactions.
We can offer the PayU Users and our Customers a unique functionality, which is the chargeback guarantee, consisting in taking over financial responsibility for transactions with the use of stolen or lost payment cards. Moreover, all transactions made via PayU are subject to monitoring and their correct course is supervised by a specialized Security Team, as well as the professional Customer Service Department.

The 3D-Secure technology used for payment processing helps us increase the security level of online transactions. It involves relevant verification of payment cards before they are used; then, a card holder confirms his identity using a special password. The further card authorisation is the same as in case of transactions not secured with the 3D-Secure technology.

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